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Bear Necessity

We take care of your bare necessities on your first night at your travel destination.


Founded: 2015
Employees: 3
Quick Pitch:


Bear Necessity solves the immediate needs of travelers arriving at a vacation rental such as personal care items, food, metrocard a map and even a sim card. The host can select which package best suits the need of its guest and the host can expect it at their home before the guest arrives, ensuring a 5 star guest experience.


Patricia Montoya

Monica Arrubla

Lead Developer

Cristian Alejandro Rojas

System engineer from the Universidad Distrital with four years of experience in the public and private sector. Working as a developer, system administrator and investigation of the bioinformation sector. The main technologies I have worked with are Python, Java, Ruby y Bash; and free technologies such as Android, Django, RoR. Co-Author of "Biopython básico: Manual práctico" book and co-author of several scientific publications.


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