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We help you people-search ALL your ever-growing social networks to help you answer the “Do you know someone...” questions.


Founded: 2016

Overview searches and compiles all your social network connections to create a holistic view of their skills, activities and interests. We use algorithms to consolidate all of this information to be better able to refer opportunities and networking requests to your connections. Our algorithm prioritizes the results of our search to identify the “best candidates” both in terms of similarity of interests and likelihood to respond to the request.


Co-founder & CEO

Nuseir Yassin

I was born and raised in Israel. Currently a junior at Harvard University studying Economics and Computer Science. I enjoy building things. Find me on Google: I'm the only person in the world with this name.

Co-founder & COO

Peregrine Badger

To found / be a leader of a company that changes the world for the better. To go to the Olympics.

Lead Developer

Fernando Irias


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