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"Document Prep-Program"

An innovative new Software, The "Document Prep Program" will revolutionize an idustry need for numerous companies & institutions.


Founded: 2017


A Software application, that has been researched extensively & deemed "Pattenable" & "Revolutionary." It will soon be in the stages of pattening, marketing, & release to industry, by an Invention Company. The invention compnay will provide a service necessary to launch the project & introduce the Program to the world. I am unable to elaborate on any specifics until the investor has signed an (NDA) NON-Disclosuere Agreement.



Jamal A Hall

A former Computer student I have been working on this for several years with other programmers & have done all the necessary steps to properly introduce this Software Application.

Marketting Consultant

Anthony Pizzuco

Marketing Consultant (Invents Company) has taken on the project & has created a Product Summary Digest.

Jamal Hall


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