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Guestt is a platform in which corporations pay for prospective clients to attend events in exchange for marketing services on the companies behalf.


Founded: 2015
Employees: 3
Quick Pitch:


Guestt seeks to do with brands what Facebook did for interconnectivity. At Guestt we seek to work with niche brands and create a more organic experience for our clients as well as the users of our app in order to foster a lifelong loyalty and appreciation rather then a one-time sale or interaction. Guestt sees itself as a Marketing firm where our clients pay us a nominal fee to engage consumers with their products in unique and interesting ways. To differentiate ourselves from other services that offer similar experiences, Guestt seeks to work with niche and local brands that fit in more organically with the live entertainment events that we give our users access to. We see our main play with this app to be hitting the festival / sports circuit. Often at these events customers will interact with all types of products that may normally seem unassuming but are an essential part of the experience of the event. While many consumers may remember the big name brands and direct sponsors who have their name plastered all over the event, but what about the middlegroud? Users will log onto the guest website or app using Facebook or making an account seperatley. Once there they will get a listing of all the local events with Guestt spots happening in their area. Upon first usage of the app, users will be prompted to put in a credit card of some sort so they will be penalized if they do not complete the specific task. Once they click on the event it will list the number of Guestt spots as well as what brand/corporation will be sponsoring the event. Most events will allow the user to get in for free with a plus one as long as they complete the marketing task designated for them by Guestt that we create in conjuction with our clients to meet their needs. Our main focus initially is going to be niche brand recognition at larger events. We plan on working with festivals and larger sporting events (championship games) directly and offer them a package where we will buy up x amount of tickets to redistribute to our users and have the marketing tasks either correspond to the event itself or to on-site vendors and brands. This can be a service that these festivals offer to their clients directly when they are securing sponsorships / vendors and can be a selling point for some smaller companies to get a larger recognition by the audience at these festivals. Eventually we plan on working with companies / brands on curating events of their own by utilizing the technology in Guestt to give patrons a truly unique experience.


Ben Locke


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