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Evite Meets a Gift Registry. Potluck simplifies the organization of parties by allowing the host to build an interactive list of what guests should bring.


Founded: 2015
Employees: 4
Quick Pitch:


For Consumers: There’s a reason we say…‘Party Easy’. As an intuitive party organizer, Potluck helps to simplify the process of organizing dinner parties, holiday parties, summer BBQs, and any other kind of bash! Simply create your event, invite your friends, and create an interactive list of items you’d like them to bring. Most importantly, we’re here to help save time. What we know: 30% of people who show up at parties never RSVP. We can fix that. For CPG Brands: Potluck’s customizable event pages and host-curated party-needs lists are the closest thing CPG Brands can get to truly quantifying the most powerful advertising of all: word-of-mouth. What we know: 71% of consumers are more likely to buy a product if someone referred it to them through social media. We tap directly into that psychology. For example, a host of a party might need three bags of chips, two bottles of whiskey, paper towels, and some folding chairs for their upcoming tailgate party. Now just imagine your brand listed as those available for each category. That is what Potluck can provide, along with the powerful insights such as who chose your products, where they live, how many people were at what type of event, and more…



Justin Gray

Co-Founder/Chief of Product

Michael Strobel


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