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VOICE - Be Heard LLC

Voice is a social media revolution that connects you to those around you in a way unlike any other. What starts with a whisper could be echoed around the world.


Founded: 2014



Ryan DeMattia

Ryan has been studying social media and its culture since its inception in the early 2000s and has an unparalleled perspective of how social media is intertwined with the millennial generation.


Dr. Joseph Louro

CEO Dr. Joseph Louro brings over 30 years of experience and success to the table in management, fundraising and business development. Dr. Louro has been the Chairman and CEO of Global Investor Services, Inc. and the Chairman and CEO of Investview, Inc. since June 2011. He served as the CEO and President of LDG-Louro Development Group from 2006 to 2011. From 1981 to 2006, he acted as an international speaker for live seminar educational companies.

Project Management

Adam DeMattia

Budgeting and Finance

Michael Ellis

Business Development

Joe Louro



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