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Binary Aeon, a smarter way to WiFi.

Block ads, trackers and malware across all of your devices and take control of your data.


Founded: 2018
Employees: 3
Quick Pitch:


Binary Aeon is a technology company focused on bringing transparency and privacy to the information technology world. We dreamt of a world where those who do not fully understand the inner workings of today’s tech could afford and be afforded the privacy and security we deserve. Binary Aeon is committed to providing users of all levels of experience in technology the ability to retain control over their information and their internet experience.


CEO/Creative Director

Ricardo Irizarry

A passionate technologist and recent NYU graduate that has spent years as a hobbyist hacker studying and deciphering the issue of digital rights and internet privacy. What began as a passion, Project Gh0st is the result of years of effort and research in simplifying cybersecurity for non-technical users.


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