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Jibon Health Technologies

A low cost easy-to-use medical device for Postpartum Hemorrhage (PPH).


Founded: 2017
Employees: 5
Quick Pitch:


We are a group of young professionals tackling global health problems through creative engineering. We are focussing our efforts on helping vulnerable populations that carry the largest burden of disease yet are unable to access proper medical care. We believe that many of the health issues plaguing developing countries can be solved with simple appropriate technologies. Tampostat is our first invention and it targets maternal health.



Mikail Kamal

Mikail, an aspiring doctor and a native of Bangladesh, recently graduated from Columbia with a dual degree in Mathematics and BME. His extensive clinical and research experience along with his various internships have allowed him to establish valuable connections in both industry and in medicine. His research interest includes cardiology and maternal health and developing sustainable medical devices for low resource settings.

VP of Technology

John Daniel Esau

John is an aspiring doctor who pursued a BME for his love of knowledge. Firmly believing in the humanitarian goals of Tampostat, he hopes that the company can help ease the socioeconomic conditions that plague poor maternal healthcare. John’s research interests involve brain-computer interfaces and neuro-engineering. John’s enthusiasm and sense of humor are invaluable to any undertaking, particularly a team-oriented health care project like ours.

Creative Director

Anthony Elder

Anthony Elder graduated from Fordham University at Lincoln Center in 2011 with a BA in Graphic Design. His professional work can be found internationally and in many forms including product design, marketing and info graphics for various products. Anthony’s artistic background and creative vision is a unique and invaluable asset to the Jibon Health team. He currently lives in New York City


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