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The New Frozen Way to Snack Healthy, LifeIce is the First All Natural, Bite-Sized Ices, Sold Shelf Stable in Ready-to-Freeze Trays.


Founded: 2012
Employees: 1
Quick Pitch:


With a texture more like mini-popsicles, our "Cubettes" have been specially-formulated with a power base of coconut water, then blended with complex combinations of Superfoods and everyday health boosters. The result is 4 delicious flavors: Berry Bite, Citrus Chomp, Chocolate Crisp & Green Grind. Sold shelf stable in ready-to-freeze trays, LifeIce is the New Frozen Way to Snack Healthy for health- and diet-conscious consumers.


Founder & CEO

Paulette Fox


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