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MirCou, Inc.

The first interactive tourism guide for families based on storytelling. Turning every city trip into an adventure. It's the future of digital city guides!


Founded: 2016
Employees: 4
Quick Pitch:


There is an unmet need for parents travelling with children in a leisure tourism industry worth $170 Bn - the "are we there yet?" moments. Little Cities solves this pain by offering interactive and educational experience. Business model based on freemium and in-app purchases - also envision subscription fee and promotional/media marketplace. Team has complementary talent and proven successful entrepreneurial experience in digital entertainment.


Rui Miranda

Chief Creative Officer

Rodrigo Carvalho

Co-Founder and Head of Creativity and Storytelling at Nutri Ventures. Leading Roles in Content Creative Processes, Marketing and Production. Experience includes marketing and business development at P&G, IT at NEC. He also has invested as Business Angel in a movie set to go on production in 2016. MSc in Aerodynamics, Cranfield University, England, Degree in Aerospace Engineering IST, Lisbon.


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