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SUPAspot Inc

SUPA is a biometric sensor/data platform for apparel.


Founded: 2014
Employees: 2
Quick Pitch:


SUPA turns apparel into a mobile IoT platform by distributing invisible sensors to brands like trims ("‘digital YKK"). The apparel is SUPA Powered via the SUPA App using context libraries (“biometric LEGOs”) that use data from your body and the environment you live in. SUPA is building the largest vault of biometric data to empower distributed functionality in sports/gaming and health applications.



Sabine Seymour

Sabine is a serial entrepreneur since 1998 focusing on new soft wearable technology products for Intel, Johnson Controls, North Face, DuPont. She authored 3 books, holds a MSc and PhD in Economics and a Master in Interactive Telecommunications. She serves as an advisor, curator, and juror. She is featured in PBS Nova, Vogue, NY Times, etc won the women who tech challenge, numerous awards, and was invited to the women's summit at the White House.


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