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Wizpert Inc

An expert platform that lets bloggers monetize their expertise by providing instant, live one-on-one advice to user on everyday topics


Founded: 2010
Employees: 3
Quick Pitch:


Wizpert instantly connects users for a live one-on-one conversation with an expert on a wide range of topics, from nutrition to relationships, to computers, social media and more. We transcend content and q&a solutions to provide instant customized advice from someone who is qualified to help. For the 20M+ bloggers in the US, this is an effective new way to monetize their expertise.



Stefan D'heedene

Stefan loves building. He built a bulge bracket platform for customized portfolio advice, proprietary analytical tools, optimization engines and databases. He has an MS in architectural engineering, and a PhD from MIT in Computational Engineering.


Michael Weinberg

Michael is the epitome of a wizpert. He believes that knowledge and experience are most valuable when shared. Whether helping clients as a lawyer, managing financial advisor development on Wall Street or as a student & TA at Columbia Business School, Michael has always been passionate about making advice accessible.


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