Showing 41 - 60 of 52489 Startups


Providing seamless and sustainable parking solutions for the 21st century.


Your online destination for stylish, sustainable fashion.


First 100% self-service solution for mystery shopping projects management

Tanya's Startup

Lady Detectives India is the Matrimonial Detective agency in Delhi. Its services include Personal Investigation, Corporate Investigation, etc.

Shift Group

Gamifying education for entrepreneurs... sustainably. is an industry defining stock music company, with an objective to reach the $1.4 billion level that is to stock photos and video.


AppFriends helps mobiles apps engage users and drive organic growth with a turnkey community building and in-app communication platform.

RISE Products

RISE is a sustainable food technology startup that uses its patent-pending process to upcycle organic byproducts into healthy ingredients.

Bo Co.

Branded entertainment products that prepare preschool children to code.


Secure and anonymous file sharing - unbeatable privacy and data protection in file sharing


Tawkers combines the worlds of messaging and social media by letting users capture and SHARE moments from text conversations.

Landstylist is your virtual garden designer. It can help design any outdoor space in a way that is tailored to your look, budget, and lifestyle.

Union Realtime LLC

We develop and sell big data visualization and analytic software for application specific use.

FilmUin Inc.

FiLMUiN is an exciting video review platform, pioneering the way people review and confidently choose restaurants, hotels, nightlife and other locations.


Maptycs provides geovisualization and risk analytics capabilities to the commercial insurance industry.


The first trustworthy marketplace to find, book and pay for excellent services by top independent service professionals

Pervasive Group Inc.

A comprehensive Mobile Parental Control platform for Smartphones. 4 of 5 stars user rating, strong customer testimonials. Parents love it!

The Glimpse Group, Inc.

The Glimpse Group is a Virtual and Augmented Reality platform company, comprised of multiple VR/AR Software & Services startups (100% ownership of each).
