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Funding Startups (The Basics) - Entrepreneurs & Investors Perspectives



Sullivan & Worcester
1633 Broadway
New York, NY 10019
United States


Tuesday, November 26, 2019 -
6:00pm to 8:30pm


For every entrepreneur or social impact founder, your startup is like your "baby." And there will be a time when you have to get more money to help that "child" grow...We're offering three perspectives about the funding process... the founder's and the investor's (an angel - someone who has money and is not working for a large institution, but rather for him or herself and the early stage venture capitalist - someone who invests money for a living and works for a company that is not just him or herself.) The funding process is fraught with challenges - how does the founder prepare, what has to be shared, what is the journey like,what if your idea is "confidential" and you are afraid it will be stolen. On the investors' side, they want to know about the great idea, how big is the market, what is the path to success, how likely is it that the entrepreneur will be able to accomplish her/his plans, and "when can I get out with how much money?" Our founders include two who have been previously "funded" - Gopal Swamy, president of Conductiv, a fintech startup in stealth mode and Precious Williams, the "killer pitch master" and founder of Perfect Pitches by Precious; and one founder in the process of raising her first round of funding - Weerada Sucharitkul, founder of filmdoo, a London-based online film-rental site with access to films from 125 countries. Our investors include Eleanor Haas, an angel investor who is Metro New York area director of the Keiretsu Forum, a global angel network, and a member of Astia Angels and Stanley Buchesky, managing partner of the Edtech Fund and former CFO for the Dept. of Education. As part of the learning process, there will also be a short (1 minute) pitch event with several founders, who will get advice from our panelists. Moderating the event will be Stage2Startups founder Betty Wong, herself a previously "funded" founder... Highlights on legal issues related to raising funding will be shared by a Sullivan & Worcester partner. Attendees will receive tips from Eleanor Haas on pitching to investors and a brief vocabulary list prior to the event. Join us as we ask these stakeholders of the funding process their unique perspectives. We promise it will be an interesting event! Please sign up early as previous events on the funding/fund raising process are usually sold out! Also, Sullivan & Worcester requires the guest list a couple of days early. We urge you to sign up here with a 25% discount - We look forward to seeing you! Stage2Startups Team