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Psychology for Digital Behavior Change - 4-6 Weeks (E-Learning)



New York City, NY 10001
United States


Sunday, February 24, 2019 - 1:00pm to Friday, April 5, 2019 - 2:30am


This 4-6 week e-learning program covers the essentials of applying psychology to human-centered websites, apps, and digital campaigns.

This program includes: (1) Psychology for Digital Behavior Change, and (2) Psychological Architectures of Digital Behavior Change.

Participants learn how to apply digital psychology through online courses, weekly live tutorials, and tailored hands-on training.

Those who lack core UX skills can take the bonus UX essentials class on prototyping, information architecture, storyboarding, wireframing, and more.

At the end, students will be ready to take the optional certification test.