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Calcbench, Inc.

We supply financial analytics that come from XBRL, an electronic filing standard. The data is richer and more actionable than competitors.


Founded: 2012
Employees: 3
Quick Pitch:


Our firm provides fundamental financial analytics based on a new electronic filing standard to end users. We render analysis in ways that are richer in detail and easier to use than ever before. Our customers are re-distributors of financial data, including academics, corporate financial analysts and investment managers.


CEO & Co-Founder

Pranav Ghai

Pranav Ghai is an analytics professional who has built expert systems which interact with information and return actionable ideas. Professional career has been based in financial services, at Morgan Stanley and ITG. He is also a contributing member to the Microsoft Technical Computing Customer Advisory Board. Pranav graduated with an MS in Applied Mathematics from the Courant Institute at New York University and a BS from Bates College.

President, Co-Founder

Alex Rapp

Alex Rapp, President, CTO & Co-Founder, has 15 years' experience in innovation and problem solving in the financial services, communications, and mobile/wireless industries. He holds an MBA from Boston University and a BS in math and computer science from Bates College. When not working on complex analytical problems, Alex is also a top contender in the highly competitive Dogpatch Labs ping pong league.


Ariel Markelevich

Calcbench’s Chief Product Development Officer, and leads the company’s efforts to create easy to use benchmarking, valuation, and analysis tools for financial professionals. He is also an Associate Professor of Accounting at the Sawyer Business School of Suffolk University in Boston, MA. Dr. Markelevich has devoted his research agenda, the last few years, to the study of XBRL.


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