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Raising a generation of system thinkers through hands-on play. We built the worlds first smart tabletop game platform.


Founded: 2016
Employees: 2
Quick Pitch:


Move38 is a new kind of game company. A product design house with design, game, and systems engineering expertise. We've launched 3 products, the first has been acquired, the second raised 360% on Kickstarter and is now carried at the top museum shops in the nation and the third raised over $137,000 on Kickstarter and releases in 2019. We built a community of over 150 game developers to help grow our platform into the next big thing.


Jonathan Bobrow

Electronics Lead

Josh Levine

A 30 year track record of building and shipping robust software, electronics, hardware products to millions of users. Fintech before Fintech was a thing. Hardware hacker, self taught, lifelong learner, dedicated team player.

Communications Lead

Marty Wood

Game Design Lead

Daniel King


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