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Real-time marketplace connecting groups with instant offers from a variety of establishments, including bars, restaurants and movie theaters.


Founded: 2015
Employees: 3


Squad is a mobile platform that connects businesses that have excess capacity to customers through a real-time, live marketplace. Businesses are able to offer at-the-moment-deals to groups of users of the "need it now" generation. Our initial business concept will be tested on restaurants and bars near and around Greenwich Village and the graduate student population of NYU. For students, the platform will provide exposure, deals, and discounts to unexplored restaurants and bars and will make the process of scheduling with a large group easier to manage. The platform affords businesses the opportunity to fill unused capacity and to gain exposure and consumer awareness.



Laura Capucilli


Wedad Audi

Business Development, Strategy, Project Management


Bart Rosenthal

Strategy, Creative Development, Financial Analysis, Thought Execution


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