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Uknowvercity is an online platform that allows college students to connect with each other. Like facebook, but for function not socializing.


Founded: 2017
Employees: 0


There has yet to be a site dedicated to the functional needs of students. Students should have a tool where they can be connected with one another as well as the key resources needed to be successful. Because students want something exclusive, there is an opportunity to create a tool that allows students to be connected with other students to fill their functional needs. We are doing for college students what Walmart did for the average consumer.



Winston Tracy

Winston is a part time MBA student at NYU Stern Langone. He works full time as a Residence Hall Director at NYU. These roles have helped with the idea formation behind Uknowvercity. Many of the aspects of the platform are things that Winston does for his students already, but does not have a centralized tool to do so. Previously to NYU, Winston worked for Georgetown University, and possess large networks and access points to college students.


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